“LUSCIOUS LIPS” (Episode: Sensual Seduction)

Welcome mature ladies and gentleman to our latest blog post meant to spice up the sensuality in your relationship. Warning: please read and proceed with a maturity of caution

In the development, nurturing and sustaining of a healthy successful relationship,
communication is a vital “key”. It is the words that we communicate to our mate that
tighten the security in the strengthening of our relationship. This especially rings true in
the continuous building of our romance and the seduction aspect of our relationship. This
is where the raw magnetic power of words can produce the ability to seduce your mate
into an orgasmic state. Delivered with the proper emotion, words can quickly unlock the
gates of ecstasy” even if you’re in a new or long term relationship. Thus, this is your
official introduction into a world known as “SENSUAL SEDUCTION” – where the
power of seduction lies within the emotion of the words you say. So get ready to spice up
the sensuality of your relationship by communicating these tantalizing words of orgasmic
seduction. Welcome to our debut episode entitled, “LUSCIOUS LIPS” featuring THE

LUSCIOUS LIPS” (episode based off the painting)

So delicious looking sending me on a fantasy trip
Seductive…thick…tantalizing…cherry lips
Fantasizing of spreading WHIP CREAM on them with a strawberry at the tip

These oh so seductive words of ecstasy smoothly flows off the tongue of THE POET, as
he speaks about the sexy-ness of her “LUSCIOUS LIPS” that’s positioned directly in
front of his. Slowly and surely THE POET moves in closer to become face-to-face,
penetrating her romantic barrier with the “sexual gaze” of his penetrating eyes while
communicating to her EROTIC BEAST. Peeking into the “soul of her window”, he can
see the passionate being of her “sexual lioness” yearning to explode out the CAGE OF
RESTRAINT, panting and breathing like a BULL kicking its back leg aiming at the “red
target” held by the matador. And that “red target” is THE POET who is now breathing so
close to the “gorgeous-ness of her beauty-ness”, that he can taste the sweetness of her
breath. Staring into the face of sexual tension, he begins “licking his lips” like LL COOL
J in growing anticipation of TASTING HER with “controlled” animalistic desire.
As THE POET continues to lyrically express his inner-most desire that’s burning deeply
inside him…

Sensuous LUSCIOUS LIPS with a hypnotic effect
Falling into a trance waiting for what comes next
Concentrating on watching you move your LIPS in slow motion
Studying the formation of your lips with a strong devotion
Watching you open and close your mouth to a sensual groove
Causing my palms to sweat putting me in a romantic mood
Fighting this urge to grab you and softly KISS your LIPS
Fighting this urgent feeling as my mind starts to do back flips

The magnitude of increased “sexual tension” is beginning to bubble to the extreme like
“erupting lava” bursting to explode from a volcano, causing her soft “velour cushion” to
begin marinating in the CREAMINESS of her developing “wet sea”, also known as “A
WOMAN’S SOFTNESS”. As THE POET steadily increases the sexuality of these
orgasmic words of seduction being spoken DIRECTLY TO HER…

Soft LUSCIOUS LIPS that are, indeed, very SEXY
Kissing them with a burning passion, only in my fantasy
Sexual LUSCIOUS LIPS that keeps my undivided attention
Watching YOU, seductively, move your lips…keeping me in total suspension

Emotionally chained in the imprisonment of this passionate moment, she’s becoming
even more seduced by the strong sexuality of THE POET’S oh so vivid words as he
continues to “visually perform” these stimulating lyrics…

Possessing LIPS that should be TASTED repeatedly!
Burning to take those LIPS and PLEASE them in a World of Ecstasy
Yearning to caress them like a lost buried treasure
Craving to work WORKER %$&$# to reach the highest level of pleasure
Observing you lick your LIPS making them soft & moist
Your LUSCIOUS LIPS are my number one choice

Searching even deeper into the sexuality of her beautiful eyes, he can feel the trembles of
her EROTIC BEAST tumbling inside the CAGE OF RESTRAINT trying to escape. As
her “sexual heartbeat” begins racing, beating faster to the harmonious rhythm of her
bubbling sensuality, causing her blood to increasingly flow in RED HOT PASSION.
Now she’s emotionally over-heating as if THE POET’S “manly-ness” is
closerTHANthis, seemingly positioned within a mere INCH from her soft-fining
“woman-ness” ready to give her a full-throttle of ENORMOUS PLEASURE. Thus, a
vibrating burst of “monumental tension” is being held under suspension ready to be
delivered to its fullest extension. As her mind explodes completely in a “mental orgasm”
listening to the finale of THE POET’S thrilling, soul fulfilling wordgazms…

LUSCIOUS LIPS so JUICY causing a HARD attack
Dreaming of tasting your LIPS…wanting to hear them smack
Hidden scrumptious lips becoming moist in the mind
Satisfying these lips is where Worker %$#&# would spend most of his time
Possessing LIPS that are made for TASTING every…Single…Night!
Sensual LUSCIOUS LIPS that creates a lustful…Sexual…Appetite!!!

Like a sexy “r-rated” film switching subconsciously from one sensual scene to another –
the question is did THE POET effortlessly slide DOWN from kissing her “LUSCIOUS
LIPS” to tasting…? Or was this whole sensual episode
implied with no physical activity at all? Or was it just a “mental orgasm” executed in the
art of seduction? Only THE POET knows as we come to the close of this special episode
called “LUSCIOUS LIPS”. Thank you for joining us and please come experience this

“SENSUAL SEDUCTION” episode all over again as many times as you like. THE END.

LaRonz Murray

copyright 2009 LARONZMURRAY
